Today marked a milestone in my technology journey, I created my first blog website! This was created with WordPress, and for the most part was fairly straightforward. Though we had very detailed instructions, with my limited/lack of experience doing this kind of thing, I found that I still had questions and needed a bit of help. For those who are as technologically challenged as me, yes, you can do it without too much stress and anxiety! For those who are a little more tech savvy, it’s a breeze.
I think that blogs are a great tool for sharing information through either Inquiry projects or simply sharing about your interests and passions. Using this kind of platform as an educational tool can entice student interest as they can have some fun with creating their blogs and getting creative in their posts. I think it fits into a middle/high school setting as older students will be able to utilize the platform to a fuller extent, however, with a little more guidance, it could also be utilized in elementary schools. In all cases, educating the students about the importance of understanding privacy settings, as well as appropriate posting is important.
For those looking jump into the world of blogging, here is a little how to video to help you get on your way!
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