Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Our group tech inquiry topic that we have chosen is “how to prevent student dependency on technology shortcuts such as auto correct, talk to text, and text to talk.”  For some students, and in some situations, these are very helpful tools. However, in many cases students rely on these tools for efficiency purposes which causes them to lose some basic literacy skills in the process. We believe this is a growing problem in schools today with the ever increasing use of technology in classrooms starting at a younger age. As an example, the use of auto-correct and spell check is preventing students from learning valuable grammar skills.  Throughout this project, we would like to investigate the effects this has on student learning. We are curious if students reach a competent level of literacy and grammar skills, will they diminish with increased use of shortcut tools? We will research studies online, talk with practicing educators, and speak with peers about their own experiences with these tools in school.


This is a link to an older article we found which looks at the effect of technology on student writing:  file:///C:/Users/megha/AppData/Local/Temp/1661-Article%20Text-1790-1-10-20110511.pdf

– Meghan, Alison, Lauren T